Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Remove Password Protection or edit Password with WD Unlocker

 Here's the trick:

Open WD Discovery!

From there, from the drive you are interested in affecting, click the setting icon (gear) and choose remove password or set password! So easy!

Good luck!


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

How do I access files from MyCloud Drive from a Windows PC?


WD ended support of WD sync. I have been trying unsuccessfully to figure out the new way of accessing my files. I was shocked to find out an easy way! And almost intuitive! Obviously if it was intuitive I would have found it long ago.

I simply go to Network, which I can find in Windows explorer under Desktop, and the drive appears under Storage. I have always double-clicked this and it opens the almost useless webpage, where it tells me all sorts of things about the drive, but gives me no way to access the damn thing. Sound familiar?

Then I RIGHT-CLICK the icon, and choose open! That worked!!

I don't know if there are permissions and passwords that need to be entered, maybe having once or very recently accessed the drive on the web meant my permissions were already in the system, but what happened when I clicked open is that it opened as a network drive in a windows explorer window! Eureka!

Good luck!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Finale cuts short my audio file!

Cause; There are different possibilities. This solution addresses the following unexpected cause: An MP3 or a WAV or a WMA even can be recorded at different sample rates. CDs are recorded at 44.1kHz, but an audio file can be recorded at different rates. Playback equipment can often transparently sort all this out, but doesn't always. Finale 2011b demands to work in 44.1kHz, but will load a file at 48kHz, and play it back at 44.1 without complaining! But this means the file has 48/44.1 or 9% more samples than can fit in the time finale thinks it should take! (The actual math is 48/44.1-1) So finale is playing the file slower. Imagine the first second contains 48,000 samples (which it does), but finale plays only 44,100 of those samples in the first second, so that when the next second comes, finale hasn't finished playing the first second! Finale still has 9% of the 1st second to play. Finale is behind, and when the entire length of the file has gone by, finale has not played the whole file, and it seems like the file has been cut short, which it has, even though all of its allotted time has gone by. At 44.1 the file will take 9% longer to finish.

Solution: Fortunately you do not have to understand any of that to solve this problem. But you need to burn an MP3 with software that allows you to specify a sample rate. Mine, the beautiful Cakewalk Audio Creator, which used to be Cakewalk Pyro, has an Auto setting for sample rate, but you can choose the sample rate instead. iTunes is a free program which burns MP3's and also allows you to choose the sample rate by choosing custom. I simply made a new version that was 44.1 and saved it to a folder called Finale MP3s 44.1kHz. Loaded that file instead of the 48kHz one and voila! The file played till the end!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

How do I change my password in Windows 10?

Solution to this is a little weird.
  1.  click the magnifying glass to search.
  2.  type control panel in the search window
  3.  Choose User Account, then 
  4.  Choose User Account; then here's the weird part;
  5.  Choose Manage Another Account
  6.  Choose your account; 
  7.  Now choose Change the password, then everything goes as you probably expect it would.
Good luck!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Problem: In Akai VIP, controllers not behaving corectly, eg. smooth knob turn causing jump in value

Solution: click midi icon:

so it turns red:

Left side shows midi mapping for your controller; bottom of that list shows mode - should be knob for knobs and some sliders, full range for, maybe mod wheels, etc.

Happy controlling!

Problem: Korg nano device not showing up as input in Korg Control Editor

Solution: Go to CONFIGURE KORG USB MIDI DRIVER (this should be in your start menu under KORG) and make sure MIDI IN dropbox shows BOTH

Happy editing!

Problem: How do I change device in Akai VIP?

Solution: Click the midi icon:
Midi Icon
so that it turns red:
Midi icon red
then on left side under midi mapping, click down arrow to choose a new mapping!

Happy controlling!