Wednesday, October 17, 2012


6:35 AM
Dig this! This is, in the parlance of the kids, sick. I set the alarm for 5:30am, and I was setting it at 2:33, so I wasn't happy about that. I grumbled, then thought better of my grumbling, and gave thanks for getting sleep and waking up full of energy, for leaping out of bed full of energy. In the middle of a full on great sleep, I woke up feeling like it was time to get up, but no alarm. I wear strong glasses, so it's difficult for me to see the time, and I don't like to wake myself up with the effort of looking unless I'm really concerned. So I didn't look. Then I turned again, feeling sure that the wake up time had passed. I strained to see my watch by it's light, and it was 5:31am. Wait for it! I jumped out of bed to look at my alarm, wondering why I had missed it, then remembered that my watch is 3-4 minutes fast. It was 5:27am. I had woken up smartly just where I'd started, crashing noisily into the bitter sum.