Sunday, April 5, 2015

Resampling in Sonar Platinum

Resampling here refers to converting the CPU intensive performance, evolution, processing and synth design represented by an instrument track into relatively low CPU-intensity audio that can be chopped up and/or otherwise manipulated.
  1. Resimple (a simple resample)

    I think the quickest and neatest way to do this in the current iteration of Sonar, is to freeze the synth. - simply click the snowflake icon as seen in the picture.
    This is like a bounce in place for synth tracks, taking their load off of the CPU. This doesn't make up for the fact that Sonar's implementation of buses, while elegant, does not allow internal routing of a tracks output to another track. A tracks output can be routed to a bus, but neither a tracks output nor a bus's output can be routed to a track internally. You must use hardware output and input pairs. Which is not elegant.
  2. Resample with Live Input

    You can do the same freeze while performing the mod wheel by right-clicking the snowflake icon, choosing freeze options, and deselecting "fast bounce" and selecting "audible bounce". I don't have a controller with me, so I can't test this out. But I was playing the macro 2 knob in Massive with the mouse instead of the mod wheel. It's not as straightforward to save this mouse performance as the GUI  is hung with a timer while waiting for the freeze operation to complete.
  3. Resample with mouse inputYou can freeze your mouse performance, but for this we need an extra step.
    1. First click the "W" in the GUI to enable automation Write. I've included a shot of this button too.
      Then play and perform the mouse performance - writing the automation to the track.
    2. Now click the snowflake to freeze the track, including the mouse performance.
In all these scenarios, the frozen track can be dragged to another track to make a new track, so that a new performance can be made after "unfreezing" the synth (by pressing the snowflake button again).

Note that, instead of freezing  and unfreezing, you can use bounce to track, selecting Tracks as the Source Category and Your synth (massive here) as the Source. Even using bounce to track, you can deselect fast bounce, select audible bounce and live input, and play in the mod wheel while bouncing. (I think. again, I haven't got a controller with me today, so I can't test this out today!)

good luck!


Monday, March 23, 2015

Can't download bonus software from m-audio?

Problem: Bonus software from m-audio, in large 2Gb parts, failing to download, after downloading for 2 hours!

Solution: Try turning off any download managers, and just using the download management that is built into your browser. I was using Download Accelerator Plus, which always helps downloads not to fail. Anyway, I disabled it, and the download proceeded without a hitch!

Good luck!


Monday, March 2, 2015

SONAR Platinum - no aftertouch

Problem: In SONAR Platinum, my keyboard should have aftertouch, but I don't hear any effect of it.

Solution: simply make sure SONAR is set to record aftertouch, if it isn't recording it, apparently it won't echo it. This is done from the "Playback and Recording" page of the Preferences dialogue, but remember there are two kinds of Aftertouch, key aftertouch, and channel aftertouch. I leave them both checked, but remember they cause a lot more data to be recorded, so it may be unnecessarily taxing for your system if you are not using them.
Good luck!


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sonar Platinum - Can't hear notes in PRV

Problem: SONAR - I hear and see the notes when I play the keyboard, but not when I click the keys on screen

As seen in the picture,
I have a snare track, I've opened the piano roll view for the track, and when I play the keyboard, I can hear the snare and see the D3 key flashing, but when I click D3, I don't hear anything. This was just my mistake. This snare track is just a place for the snare audio to reach the console and be processed. It's an audio track, not a midi track, and not an instrument track, in spite of the icon. Simply create a new midi track below it, send that to the proper synth, in this case session drummer, and open the piano roll view for this new midi track.

good luck!


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sonar Platinum - Can't hear notes I add

Problem - In piano roll view, I can hear when I click the keyboard/note names at the side I hear them, but when I add notes, with velocity positive and showing below, I don't hear the notes I've added.
Workaround: The entered notes are likely not where they appear. Try zooming out vertically to see more notes, then you will see where the notes likely are, and the note names will align themselves with the note grid.

This appears to be a bug, and I won't be able to get clear on it until I can re-create it.

Good luck!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

SONAR X3 - Trying to draw notes, but only drawing aftertouch

Problem: I'm in piano roll view, trying to draw a note, but I can only draw aftertouch events.

Solution: Find the edit filter:
And chose notes.

Good Luck!


SONAR X3 I see the note in piano roll but I don't hear it

Problem: I suddenly stopped hearing a note in the midi clip, though I can see it in the piano roll:
In the image, the silent note, that I can't hear is selected.
I've circled the selected (darker) note, as well as a full overlap, to show it's not the closeness of the other note that's causing it to be silent.

Solution: Stop playback and start again - problem went away!

good luck!


Dell Inspiron 15-5000 series - Can't print screen to clipboard

Problem: I have a button with PrtScr on top and a wireless icon on the bottom, and when I press it with or without the function key, I don't get a copy of the screen in the clipboard.

 Solution: Press the key with the windows key: 

Actually if you press it with the function key, it turns Airplane mode on and off, and it can't be switched with the mouse from the settings page:
 Good luck!


SONAR can't select/edit notes in piano roll

I can see the notes, and hear them, but I can't touch them in the piano roll view. I also get an unlocked lock icon on the midi clip in track view:
Solution: Go into track view. Right click the clip, find the menu item "clip lock" and hover over or select it to get the next level menu, and uncheck "lock data".
The lock was unlocked because the clip was only half locked, now the lock icon will disappear, and the notes can be edited in the piano roll!