Saturday, April 13, 2019

Problem: In Akai VIP, controllers not behaving corectly, eg. smooth knob turn causing jump in value

Solution: click midi icon:

so it turns red:

Left side shows midi mapping for your controller; bottom of that list shows mode - should be knob for knobs and some sliders, full range for, maybe mod wheels, etc.

Happy controlling!

Problem: Korg nano device not showing up as input in Korg Control Editor

Solution: Go to CONFIGURE KORG USB MIDI DRIVER (this should be in your start menu under KORG) and make sure MIDI IN dropbox shows BOTH

Happy editing!

Problem: How do I change device in Akai VIP?

Solution: Click the midi icon:
Midi Icon
so that it turns red:
Midi icon red
then on left side under midi mapping, click down arrow to choose a new mapping!

Happy controlling!