Tuesday, February 10, 2009



This morning I managed to be up at 7am and go for a brief run before breakfast. Makes me feel like I've already accomplished something. Martin the bus driver then proceeded to take us on a beautiful tour through the Banff area, and let us actually get out and walk around by a hotel where there were ice sculptures, a hockey/skating rink with an Ice structure, and a breathtaking view which we got pictures of.

I also took a picture of me dead there, and we sang Breaths, which I thought was very moving, particularly when the ladies come in. Missing my family, so I want to call home tomorrow, and I need to also call Cleon, to make sure he knows about Wednesday. We stopped at a Tim Horton's in Golden for lunch, but I was not hungry, what with breakfast, pistachios and cookies that the hotel gave us; I just wanted some coffee to wash down more cookies!

When we did reach Kelowna, I immediately decompressed and skimmed through the first 6 tutorials in Sonar 8, stopping to go through the tutorials on editing midi and on editing audio, and then paying particular attention to making a loop. Then I watched a producer masterclass with the Brooke Brothers, dnb producers. They didn't give me what I wanted which was the rapid steps the experienced use to put together a track from scratch. But they had lots of tips and tricks. I'll just have to give the demo I want myself!

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